4-digit UNESCO Nomenclature

UNESCO Nomenclature (more properly UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology) is a system developed by UNESCO for classification of research papers and doctoral dissertations. There are three versions of the system, offering different levels of refinement through 2-, 4-, and 6-digit codes. This article describes the 4-digit nomenclature.

4-digit nomenclature

11 Logic
1101 Application of logic
1102 Deductive logic
1103 General logic
1104 Inductive logic
1105 Methodology
1199 Other specialities relating to logic
12 Mathematics
1201 Algebra
1202 Analysis and functional analysis
1203 Computer Sciences (see 3304)
1204 Geometry
1205 Number theory
1206 Numerical analysis
1207 Operations research
1208 Probability
1209 Statistics
1210 Topology
1299 Other mathematical specialities
21 Astronomy, Astrophysics
2101 Cosmology
2102 Interplanetary physics (see 2512, 3324)
2103 Optical astronomy (see 2209)
2104 Planetology (see 2512, 3324)
2105 Radio-astronomy
2106 Solar system
2199 Other astronomical specialities
22 Physics
2201 Acoustics
2202 Electro-magnetism
2203 Electronics (see 3307)
2204 Physics
2205 Mechanics
2206 Molecular physics
2207 Nuclear physics (see 3320)
2208 Nucleonics
2209 Optics
2210 Physical chemistry (see 2307)
2211 Solid state physics
2212 Theoretical physics
2213 Thermodynamics
2214 Units and constants
2299 Other physical specialities
23 Chemistry
2301 Analytical chemistry
2302 Biochemistry (see 2306)
2303 Inorganic chemistry (see 3303)
2304 Macromolecular chemistry
2305 Nuclear chemistry
2306 Organic chemistry
2307 Physical chemistry (see 2210)
2399 Other chemical specialities
24 Life Sciences
2401 Animal Biology (Zoology) (see 3109)
2402 Anthropology (physical) (see 51)
2403 Biochemistry (see 2302)
2404 Biomathematics
2405 Biometrics
2406 Biophysics
2407 Cell biology
2408 Ethology
2409 Genetics
2410 Human biology (see 32)
2411 Human physiology
2412 Immunology
2413 Insect Biology (Entomology)
2414 Microbiology
2415 Molecular biology
2416 Palaeontology
2417 Plant Biology (Botany) (see 3103)
2418 Radiobiology
2419 Symbiosis
2420 Virology
2499 Other biological specialities
25 Earth and Space Science
2501 Atmospheric sciences (see 2502, 2509)
2502 Climatology (see 2501, 2509)
2503 Geochemistry
2504 Geodesy
2505 Geography (see 54)
2506 Geology
2507 Geophysics
2508 Hydrology
2509 Meteorology (see 2501, 2502)
2510 Oceanography
2511 Soil Science
2512 Space Sciences (see 2102, 2104, 3324)
2599 Other Earth, Space or Environmental specialities
31 Agricultural Sciences
3101 Agricultural chemistry
3102 Agricultural engineering
3103 Agronomy
3104 Animal husbandry
3105 Fish and wildlife
3106 Forestry
3107 Horticulture
3108 Phytopathology
3109 Veterinary sciences
3199 Other agricultural specialities
32 Medical Sciences
3201 Clinical sciences
3202 Epidemiology (see 2414, 2420)
3203 Forensic medicine
3204 Occupational medicine
3205 Internal medicine
3206 Nutrition sciences (see 3309)
3207 Pathology
3208 Pharmacodynamics
3209 Pharmacology
3210 Preventive medicine
3211 Psychiatry
3212 Public health
3213 Surgery
3214 Toxicology
3299 Other medical specialities
33 Technological Sciences
3301 Aeronautical technology and engineering
3302 Biochemical technology (see 3309)
3303 Chemical technology and engineering (see 2303, 2304, 2306)
3304 Computer technology (see 1203)
3305 Construction technology (see 3312, 5312)
3306 Electrical technology and engineering
3307 Electronic technology (see 2202, 2203, 3325)
3308 Environmental technology and engineering
3309 Food technology (see 3302, 3206)
3310 Industrial technology (see 5311)
3311 Instrumentation technology
3312 Materials technology
3313 Mechanical Engineering and technology
3314 Medical technology
3315 Metallurgical technology
3316 Metal products technology
3317 Motor vehicle technology
3318 Mining technology
3319 Naval technology
3320 Nuclear technology (see 2207)
3321 Petroleum and coal technology
3322 Power technology
3323 Railway technology
3324 Space technology (see 2512)
3325 Telecommunications technology (see 2202, 2203, 3307)
3326 Textile technology
3327 Transportation systems technology
3328 Unit operations technology
3329 Urban Planning
3399 Other technological specialities
51 Anthropology
5101 Cultural anthropology
5102 Ethnography and Ethnology
5103 Social anthropology
5199 Other anthropology specialities
52 Demography
5201 Fertility
5202 General demography
5203 Geographical demography
5204 Historical demography
5205 Mortality
5206 Population characteristics
5207 Population size and demographic evolution
5299 Other demographic specialities
53 Economic Sciences
5301 Domestic fiscal policy and public finance
5302 Econometrics
5303 Economic accounting
5304 Economic activity
5305 Economic systems
5306 Economics of technological change
5307 Economic theory
5308 General economics
5309 Industrial organization and public policy
5310 International economics
5311 Organization and management of enterprises (see 3310)
5312 Sectorial economics
5399 Other economic specialities
54 Geography
5401 Economic geography
5402 Historical geography
5403 Human geography
5404 Regional geography
5499 Other geographical specialities
55 History
5501 Biographies
5502 General history
5503 History of countries
5504 History by epochs
5505 Sciences auxiliary to history
5506 Specialized histories
5599 Other historical specialities
56 Juridical Science and Law
5601 Canon law
5602 General theory and method
5603 International law
5604 Legal organization
5605 National law and legislation
5699 Other juridical specialities
57 Linguistics
5701 Applied linguistics
5702 Diachronic linguistics
5703 Linguistic geography
5704 Linguistic theory
5705 Synchronic linguistics
5799 Other linguistic specialities
58 Pedagogy
5801 Educational theory and methods
5802 Organization and planning of education
5803 Teacher training and employment
5899 Other pedagogical specialities
59 Political Science
5901 International relations
5902 Policy sciences
5903 Political ideologies
5904 Political institutions
5905 Political life
5906 Political sociology
5907 Political systems
5908 Political theory
5909 Public administration
5910 Public opinion
5999 Other political science specialities
61 Psychology
6101 Abnormal psychology (see 3211)
6102 Adolescent and child psychology
6103 Counselling and guidance (see 3211)
6104 Educational psychology
6105 Evaluation and measurement in psychology
6106 Experimental psychology
6107 General psychology
6108 Geriatric psychology
6109 Occupational and personnel psychology
6110 Parapsychology
6111 Personality
6112 Psychological study of social issues
6113 Psychopharmacology
6114 Social psychology
6199 Other psychological specialities
62 Sciences of Arts and Letters
6201 Architecture
6202 Literary theory, analysis and criticism
6203 Fine arts theory, analysis and criticism
6299 Other artistic specialities
63 Sociology
6301 Cultural sociology
6302 Experimental sociology
6303 General sociology
6304 International disorder
6305 Mathematical sociology
6306 Occupational sociology
6307 Social change and development
6308 Social communications
6309 Social groups
6310 Social problems - Social disorder
6311 Sociology of human settlements
6399 Other sociological specialities
71 Ethics
7101 Classical ethics
7102 Ethics of individuals
7103 Group ethics
7104 Prospective ethics
7199 Other specialities relating to ethics
72 Philosophy
7201 Philosophy of knowledge
7202 Philosophical anthropology
7203 General philosophy
7204 Philosophical systems
7205 Philosophy of science
7206 Philosophy of nature
7207 Social philosophy
7208 Philosophical doctrines
7209 Other philosophical specialities

See also